StoryNexus is a holding ground for interactive fiction and story-games. Everything on the site is aimed at allowing users to express themselves in a text adventure style interface. The unique games that have been appearing on this site are a testament to a very old way of playing games on a computer.
Recently, the founders of the site asked Science Fiction author Yoon Ha Lee to create some interactive fiction on the site. The first of this Loisiana located, Korean-American science fiction author is now available on the site for free.
Winterstrike is a story about a winter-locked city named Aria, a spaceship graveyard, and "the enigmatic ironbird."
The CEO for Failbetter Games, Alexis Kennedy said that
“Yoon Ha Lee is great, She writes like the unacknowledged offspring of Elizabeth Hand and William Faulkner, and I’ve liked her work since I read The Black Abacus, a short story about love and death and ethics and an unfought war in space. I found out recently that she wrote interactive fiction too. So I asked her to write something for StoryNexus.”
Yoon Ha Lee is a Korean-American science fiction author who majored in math in college. She says that "math…is a source of continual delight to me that math can be mined for sf/f story ideas."
The interface for WinterStrike and an introductory video to StoryNexus can also be seen below.
StoryNexus trailer from Failbetter Games on Vimeo.