Valve has announced that they will be releasing the game, Alien Swarm along with the complete code base FREE-OF-COST via Steam. The talented team behind the popular top down co-op mod Alien Swarm was hired by Valve a few years ago and was tasked to work on the Left 4 Dead Series, and now Portal 2. Valve is saying that they never forgot about Alien Swarm and wrote on its official website,
However, we never forgot about Alien Swarm and the team has spent a lot of time bringing the game to Source in between their contributions to the other Valve projects.
On Monday, July 19th Alien Swarm is going to be released for free via Steam.
In addition to the game, Valve will also release the complete code base for Alien Swarm. This includes updates to the Source engine SDK and full Steamworks integration. If you’ve ever thought about developing a mod on the Source engine with Steamworks, this release provides more insight and examples for using Steamworks in game production.