Fan-Made Starcraft Universe Now Playable
This fans created map, playable in Blizzard’s Starcraft 2, is a whole game in and out of itself, making use of the RTS bones of the base game while creating a whole new experience.
This fans created map, playable in Blizzard’s Starcraft 2, is a whole game in and out of itself, making use of the RTS bones of the base game while creating a whole new experience.
ThinkGeek will exclusively offer its plushie Portal turret this December to the masses. Prepare to be awww-struck.
It’s always sad when companies have to lay people off. Game companies are not untouched by this plague, and CCP goes down with the sickness – about 20% of staff is laid off.
At last weekend's New York Comic Con, I got to see Rockstar's continuation of the Max Payne franchise in action for the first time. It wasn't all roses, but there's a lot of potential here.
A new expansion for Red Orchestra 2 will take players to the Pacific Theater of war.
The Shining series will be making a return with the announcement of Shining Blade for the PSP.
Watch this Minecraft tower be built from the ground up. You may want to mute the music, though.
This video of Battlefield 3 is the best thing you'll see today.
Sledgehammer has no plans to continue working on the third person Call of Duty game.
Business plan: block off important story missions without code, forget to provide codes
You might as well be wearing a cilice if you opt to get one of these special editions.
Subversion gets put on hold, perhaps indefinitely, because the developers want to work on a different game.
Bless, a Korean game rom Neowiz, is the first MMORPG to use Epic's Unreal Engine 3.
Warning: If you've taken anything stronger than boiled water in the last 24 hours, the video below may cause sweating, paranoia and bad breath.
You won't be getting a PlayStation Vita in your stocking this Christmas, but you won't have to wait too long to get one ...
Microsoft is hoping to boost winter sales with the promise of free games and a discounted Kinect.
Behind the art of games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age stands Matt Rhodes, Associate Art Director of BioWare. Here's some of his Art.
The game will be making its way to PCs exactly one month after today's launch on consoles.
Like any exclusive club, you'll have to pay to get in, but you'll also get four map packs and three skin packs at a 45% discount.
This week, your bros at the Best Gaming Podcast Ever up the percentage of dragons on the 'cast by like a billion percent by talking about Skyrim! Also, Ian confesses that he stole the Dragonborn's wristwatch.
Glen Schofield, general manager of Modern Warfare 3 and co-developer at Sledgehammer Games has stated that the engine in Modern Warfare 3 is “stream-lined, everything in it is perfectly freaking cleanâ€.
Because you didn’t know that hot girls go well with cars that move fast, at least in games, I bring to your attention that NFS: The Run will feature Christina Hendricks as your virtual girlfriend.
A questionnaire sent out to members of Norway's gaming media implies EA intended to limit advance copies to those with a favorable opinion of the game.
A newly released full-length trailer of the Studio Ghibli title Ni no Kuni will make you crave for the full game.