The next big installment to the Assassin’s Creed franchise is known currently as Assassin’s Creed Empire. Set to take place in ancient Egypt, not much information has been shared by Ubisoft at the current moment, leaving plenty of fans eagerly awaiting for any and all potential news regarding the upcoming title.
Today, over on Reddit, a new in-game screenshot has appeared online leaving gamers guessing as to what the image is from. The general consensus right now is that the screenshot is a leaked image from the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Empire title.
For the most part, gamers are convinced that this is a leak for an upcoming Assassin’s Creed video game simply from the clothing style and the shield seems to have an insignia from the franchise. Again, this is all up to debate until we get an official word regarding the screenshots from Ubisoft.
It’s likely we’ll hear more regarding the upcoming Assassin’s Creed franchise installment during this year’s E3 event. We, of course, would like to know your thoughts on the screenshot in question. Do you believe it’s a leaked image from the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Empire video game? Let us know by leaving a comment down below.