Some sharp-eyed fans spotted a first-person mode that will be playable in Capcom’s Switch exclusive Ultra Street Fighter 2: The Final Challengers. This new mode was discovered in the reveal trailer.
Nintendo Everything has harvested this intel from a photo of the Ultra Street Fighter 2‘s box. Images of the Switch are starting to come out of Japan.
According to the site’s translation, the new mode is designed for JoyCon controllers. It’s called “Unleash! Hadoken”, where the Japanese character for “do” has been placed with the English letters, presumably as a play on the fact that a first-person, motion-controlled mode is more like really “doing” what the character is.
There is a screenshot on the box in the photo above, where multiple enemies and a timer are visible. This suggests that it won’t just be a different perspective on normal Ultra Street Fighter 2 gameplay, but something pretty different.
As of now, Ultra Street Fighter 2 has not been dated beyond 2017. In addition, the box art tells us that it looks like there will be an art gallery with over 250 images included.