In an interview with Siliconera, Resident Evil 6 producers Yoshiaki Hirabayashi and Hiroyuki Kobayashi took the time to talk about what we can expect from the upcoming horror game. In particular, the two producers went into some detail about what the game borrows or references from previous iterations, and how they have been blended to interesting effect.
For instance, the two discuss the character Chris hunting down, B.O.W, a snake-like boss capable of cloaking itself and following players around the environment. Examining differences between Chris and Leon as characters, Hirabayashi says,
"What you saw in this stage, I think it brings back the horror feeling from earlier Resident Evil titles, even though it is in Chris’ stage. I’m sure, as you said, when fans see this they will consider the Leon part of the campaign, the more traditional Resident Evil style horror setting and Chris’ campaign will feel a little more like Resident Evil 5. I think there are horror elements from the older Resident Evil titles and Resident Evil 5.
We tried to make sure that we can incorporate horror elements into all of the campaigns, but there are different types of horror for everyone. There is not one kind of monolithic horror that unites them all. What does unite the campaigns is the fact that they are Resident Evil and we wanted to make sure they all feel like Resident Evil. When people play the game, since they are fans from different entries in the series – some people like [Resident Evil] 5 and some people like [Resident Evil] 1. We wanted to make sure we put stuff in the game that pleases everyone."
The producers also discuss subtle references to the first Resident Evil with regard to the snake, as well as go into some detail about the new skill point system.
"The skill points you gather will be shared across all of the characters. It’s not like you pick them up with Leon and can only use them for Leon. You can them across all of the characters and when you do that you have a list of skills you can unlock. Then you can add those on to characters. You can also change them at any time during the game," explains Hirabayashi.
Read the rest of the interview here.