Hey guys guess what! Another JRPG is in the works! And it’s a Tales game! Wow … who could’ve imagined? All sarcasm aside, I’ve enjoyed some Tales games but I just can’t do JRPGs anymore, too much of a time sink. (Reminds me, I need to play some more Xenoblade Chronichles) Tales of Xilia 2 is about 60% finished and will be arriving in Japan in the near future.
In the game you play as protagonist Ludger who is a 20 year old male traveling around with Elle who is an 8 year old girl as they venture to Kana, a land where dreams come true or something. More importantly there is some fat cat in the game which may or may not be called Lulu, which is pretty fantastic
The game will feature a theme of whether you’d destroy the world for the sake of a girl or not, seems kinda counter productive to me. I mean, once the world is destroyed so is the girl and you so uh … what then? Anyways, Namco hasn’t mentioned anything on a western release and with the way Tales games have sold in recent years, I wouldn’t get my hopes up.