The Harry Potter franchise is long since gone, with the last of the movies (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2) done and gone. I’ve even seen the Spanish version of the movie on the Spanish HBO the other day, sheehs. However, it seems as if Warner Bros. is going to milk some more out of this old cow. Harry Potter for Kinect (that’s the title) has been announced. The game will feature all seven books with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
People have been hating on the Kinect ever since it came out, especially Jim Sterling over at Destructoid who recently bashed this new Harry Potter title. I for one think that while the Kinect games can be sort of clinky and corny at times, they’re a step in the right direction. This is the first step into helping us get more involved with games which will eventually lead to holodecks. Oh yes. Plus obesity is rampant in the United States, FSM knows that we need to use the Kinect more often.
Now, I’m not saying that this is going to be the best game ever. No Sir, it may be as corny as Darth Vader’s dance moves in Star Wars Kinect. It is however great that developers are still giving the Kinect a chance. It needs to survive and become more competitive so that we can push ourselves further with this technology. Hell, I’d go buy one full price at GameStop if it would help Microsoft innovate something more impressive.