In an official blog post earlier today, Capcom announced that Game Producer Yoshinoro Ono had been admitted to hospital care. No information on how or why this happened is readily available, apart from the knowledge that it immediately followed the promotion tour for Street Fighter X Tekken. The blog reads, “Shortly after the Street Fighter X Tekken promotion in Asia, Ono-san’s physical condition rapidly and heavily deteriorated and he had to be taken to the hospital.
It also appears that his work on any games will be postponed for a while due to this hospital stay: “Because of his hospital tenure he will not be performing work-related affairs for a while. Ono’s well-being is very important to us, and we wish for his steady recovery”.
After having been all around the world for the length of Street Fighter X Tekken’s promotion, there’s no telling what he could have picked up. In any case – we here at Gameranx have sent our thoughts to the innovative Game Producer.
Via VG247