As we talked about recently, Mortal Kombat 1 has dropped the official gameplay trailer for Ghostface, which will arrive in Early Access on November 19th for those with the game’s Ultimate Edition. As one would expect, Ghostface focuses a lot on knife attacks mixed with some other moves to help them stand out from the other Kombatants. Another key trick is there being up to three Ghostfaces on screen to help do special attacks that really do a lot of damage. However, one eagle-eyed fan seems to know who two of the Ghostface users are, and it’ll definitely surprise you.
At first, you might think, “What do you mean who’s wearing the mask? Does it really matter?” Actually, yes, and that might be the whole point of this “plot twist.” Don’t forget that while Ghostface is a classic horror movie villain; the character has never been the same person more than once. That’s the whole point. The garb of Ghostface is passed from one killer to the next, leaving people to wonder who is under it when the next movie arrives.
In the case of Mortal Kombat 1, one fan points out that a few of the unique moves that Ghostface has isn’t a reference to the movies but other characters from the series’ history. Specifically, some fire and darkness attacks are pinpoint matches to Kobra and Kira from Mortal Kombat Deception. Check out the video below to see the proof of this:
Pretty cool, huh? Now, if you’re wondering why NetherRealm Studios would do this, it’s two-fold. First, this game’s roster has brought in many characters from the 3D era to give them new life, such as Havik and Ashrah. The other twist here is that Kobra and Kira have been touted as some of the worst characters that the franchise has ever seen. They made no impact on the franchise whatsoever.
That might be why they were turned into Ghostface for this game, as that would fit the “Ghostface mythos” that the films have built up over the franchises’ history.
You see, Ghostface is typically someone who was “underappreciated” or viewed the world in a way that made them a victim of everything happening around them. So, a couple of Kombatants who were constantly mocked for their looks, moves, and so on? Yeah, that would fit the mold pretty well.
As for the third Ghostface we see, that one might be one of the OGs from the film. We’ll have to see what NetherRealm thinks about all this.