In case your edition of Final Fantasy XIII-2 didn't contain nearly enough cleavage, Square Enix are releasing a swimsuit for Serah. No doubt this will add an entirely new dimension to the storyline and will have no end of liberated, modern men taking up the game in search of a whole new kind of artistic merit. I have seen it for well below £30 now…
Sources who have seen the next issue of Famitsu report that not only is the swimsuit announced, but a Knight costume for Noel and a slightly more substantial piece of DLC – story missions in which you play as the afro-toting Sazh. As well as that, you'll be able to get a new casino game and a secret piece of DLC, although none of this seems like the update that will actually finish the game.
The costumes will be ¥300/240MSP, whilst the Sazh DLC will cost ¥600/400MSP. The DLC will apparently be available in Japan on February 28th and you should expect a western release not too long after.