Fallout is an iconic video game franchise. It spans multiple installments and has been around on a variety of platforms. Of course, with the game still going strong, some lore has been left mainly untapped. That might have led to some debates and speculation online. Well, while we don’t have any new canon information to share, the original development team initially made some intentions regarding vaults.
Thanks to The Gamer, we’re finding out that the original Fallout creator, Tim Cain, spoke about vaults in a recent YouTube video. Tim talks about the vaults and how the team had to determine how many could be out there. It stems back to a uniform design question. Upon creating the iconic uniforms for those in a vault, the designer needed to determine how much space was required for the vault number on the back.
As a result it was determined that there would be a thousand vaults, counting vault 0. Of course, it’s already been noted that this is not canon. Instead, it’s just a look back to the original development process from Fallout. The team had to answer plenty of questions without knowing just how well the game would do in the marketplace. So, we’ll have to wait and see if even more vaults or fewer vaults were made before the bombs dropped in a future video game release.
We still have to wait a good while before the next mainline Fallout game is unveiled. However, fandom has been going strong, especially since the hit Amazon Prime Video series, Fallout, which managed to do incredibly well. We’ll also closely monitor any new information that emerges regarding the series.