No. Really. This is a real story, and we have the tweet to prove it! The Pokemon franchise is famous in just about every aspect you can imagine. It started out as an insanely popular video game series, which has done incredibly well on Nintendo Switch, and later became a hit anime. That’s saying nothing of its collectible card game, merchandise, films of both animated and live-action nature, etc. All sorts of Pokemon have become icons of the brand and have been used in various media over the years. But have you heard of a Pokemon taking on an NBA star in a 1-on-1 basketball duel?
This comes from ESPN, the king of sports programming. One of their most entertaining personalities, Stephen A. Smith, has never been afraid to answer fan questions, and he’s had some questions involving Pokemon before. However, the most recent question concerned whether the legendary Pokemon Mewtwo could take on Lebron James in a 1-v-1 basketball match. The results of this are hilarious, to say the least.
Not only did Stephen A. not say Mewtwo’s name right, but he also felt he had a chance to beat Lebron James, even noting that Mewtwo’s size and tail could be deciding factors. Also, the “unnerve” or “pressure” ability could have a huge effect on Lebron as the game went on.
It’s funny to see how seriously Smith took this despite the insanity of the question itself. We applaud him for playing along.
So, why is this an insane question? Simply put, Mewtwo would wipe the floor with Lebron James! Remember, the tweet didn’t say that Mewtwo couldn’t use his Pokemon abilities and moves, and that means that Mewtwo can use techniques like Psychic, which could just grab the basketball and make a basket or rip the ball away from Lebron’s hands! He could even use it to keep Lebron in place so that he can’t do anything!
If you want to get even more in-depth, Mewtwo has a move called Disable, which he could use to literally remove Lebron’s skills in basketball. Oh, and if you look into the anime version of Mewtwo, he’s even more broken! He’s erased and controlled minds, was able to take on scores of Pokemon all at once, and was hailed as the “World’s Most Powerful Pokemon.”
So yeah, there’s your winner. Sorry, Lebron. We don’t think you could’ve won a 1v1 against Michael Jordan in his prime, and we definitely don’t think you’re beating this Pokemon.