Capcom has released the official announce trailer for Rashid in Street Fighter 6.

Rashid is shown in a new street smart outfit, and carrying around a camera as he has taken up streaming alongside street fighting. Gone is his grandfather/servant figure Azam, but back are his whirlwind producing abilities and acrobatic fighting style.
Rashid is the product of a collaboration between Capcom, Udon Comics, and Pluto Games, Capcom’s business partner in the Middle East. Street Fighter V director Takayuki Nakayama even revealed that he was even intended to become the new series protagonist. While those plans didn’t go through, they are the reason he wears the all white outfit, and generally created the character to be likable.
In storyline, Rashid is the eldest son of a wealthy Middle Eastern family. He involves himself in the events of Street Fighter V to find a friend who had apparently been kidnapped by Shadaloo.
Rashid is also the first DLC character arriving in Street Fighter 6. To buy him, you need to purchase the Year 1 Character Pass or the Year 1 Ultimate Pass.
The Year 1 Ultimate Pass comes with more items, but if you bought the Deluxe Edition or Ultimate Edition of Street Fighter 6, you also already get everything in the Year 1 Character Pass.
Capcom also revealed that Rashid will get his own Rashid Arrives Fighting Pass, from July 4 to 23, 2023. The Fighting Pass can be had for 250 Fighter Coins, or you can buy the premium version to earn all the possible rewards.
This Fighting Pass does not come with Rashid himself, but instead will let you earn multiple items you can use for Rashid as you level up towards its 20 reward tiers.
The pass includes the Street Fighter V themes for Rashid, as well as his fellow Street Fighter V fighters Laura and Necalli.
If Street Fighter V proved to be a rough introduction to Rashid, especially given how closely involved he was to that game’s Story Mode, Street Fighter 6 is a new opportunity for the character to get popular with fans again. Much like Luke, Rashid could benefit from better writing and characterization, in the same way that it has done for the franchise’s classic characters so far.
Street Fighter 6 is available to play on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows via Steam. You can watch Rashid’s official trailer below.