I've pulled myself away from Uplink for long enough to discover that the Humble Introversion Bundle, the newest Humble Indie Bundle, has outsold Darwinia, arguably the most famous game in the pack, in a mere 45 minutes.
Just to qualify this, Darwinia has been out since 2005 across multiple platforms.
And I think this is entirely down to lazy, stupid games like me who need to be told what to play. There are far too many indie games out there, most of them with little to no publicity and it stands to reason that some of them are going to be excellent, some of them are going to suck. Through things like the Humble Indie Bundle and the Indie Royale (you can currently pre-order the next one) we get access to games we wouldn't have tried otherwise and my Steam library grows at an almost alarming rate.
cd logs.
delete all.
Oh yes.