There are a lot of fan wishes out there in the gaming world, not the least of which that all the games they’re anticipating would come out sooner rather than later and not be infinitely delayed. Another big wish is that the games they really loved would get worthy sequels or successors, and that doesn’t always happen as they well know. Looking at Sonic The Hedgehog, the character had one of the most legendary runs, pun intended, of any gaming character to start because pretty much every game he made was an absolute banger. To the point where Sonic Adventure 3, the follow-up to what many consider the best Sonic game ever, seemed assured. It wasn’t.
In fact, it was right after the legendary title that SEGA started to look in a more 3D direction for the blue blur, and for many fans, that’s where things went wrong. While there were some good games that came out, they were few and far between. To the fact that many wondered why SEGA kept going on this path and not just going back to what made Sonic great in the first place as a character and as a gaming franchise.
Very recently, Sonic Team has made it clear that they have a notion of what the true feeling of a Sonic game is, and are putting all of that feeling into the upcoming Sonic Frontiers. However, Sonic Team lead Takashi Iizuka was asked about what game he would make if he had the keys to the kingdom and could make any Sonic title he wanted. What he said was that he would make Sonic Adventure 3.
“I would like to use these golden keys to kind of make the next Sonic Adventure game. I was there for Sonic Adventure and was there for Sonic Adventure 2, those are my games. I really want to continue creating the Adventure series.”
Now, obviously, this is just a hypothetical situation, one that doesn’t mean anything right now because they’re more worried about their upcoming game than a hypothetical new one they could make in the future.
Plus, there is another element to this. Takashi noted that given the fame of that version of Sonic, they would have to have quite a team, quite an investment of SEGA, and a lot of time to make sure that they could make a worthy sequel to it all. This is completely fair as fans wouldn’t want such a desired game to be rushed out and not be the standard that they know it can be at.
So while this isn’t enough to confirm anything, it is enough to give hope, which fans of the franchise have been a bit without in recent years.
Source: DoteSports