As the MCU has shown, just because there are things that are “established lore” in regards to certain character relationships doesn’t mean you have to show them right off the bat. The DCEU has done this with two of their characters that are having movies come out this year. Because instead of Shazam and Black Adam meeting up in a singular movie, they’re having two different ones with one origin story for Adam, and the other with “Earth’s Mightiest Mortal” establishing himself further via Fury of the Gods.
Obviously, many are expecting a “clash of the champions” soon enough, but when? When are we going to see the seemingly inevitable crossover movie? Well if you ask the director of Fury of the Gods…he doesn’t know.
“There hasn’t really been a conversation about that,” Sandberg told in an interview. “I know, at the moment, Black Adam is sort of its thing and Shazam! is its thing. Then we’ll see where it all goes in the future, but I haven’t really been a part of any conversations like that.”
That’s honestly fair for two key reasons. One, as noted, the Black Adam movie that’s coming is going to be his origin in terms of how he became a champion of the wizard and where it all went wrong, and then his resurrection that leads to him being the anti-hero the world “needs”. Second, even though there’s a LOT of hype around this film thanks to its star in The Rock, we don’t know how it’ll do box office wise, same with Fury of the Gods. If both do well, a crossover might be sealed, but if not…? Then we’ll have to see.
So if you want to see these Champions throw down in a live-action clash, make sure you see both films when they come out later this year.
Source: Collider