The crew kicks it all off like a shell from a howitzer with Jacob proclaiming from the mountaintops that Twisted Pixel is effin' screwed. After doing a spit-take, the rest of the recovers from the initial shock of Jacob's blast, and collectively asks, “Hey man, what's the deal?” So, they all savagely fight to the death for your pleasure. If you listen closely to the melee, you can hear the precise moment Dennis gives Jacob the worst indian burn in recorded history.
Mass Effect 2 multiplayer surfaces from the depths of the internet, and Ian fills Jacob in on the sweet deets, as we all try to gut that fish. Naturally, the conversation takes a left turn and Matt starts blabbing on about dialogue, or fellatio, or something. After a few minutes of yelling without stopping for breath, he passes out on his keyboard.
Jacob's highly-tuned psychic abilities, which allow him to detect subtle shifts in the balance of the universe, uncover a cosmic message revealing that Tim Cain has joined forces with Obsidian, further righting the wrong of Black Isle ever splitting up.
You don't like online passes, you say? Well, Uncle Matt has you covered in BGPE Ep. 11. He's taking the fight to the man, or Ian, or something. Anyhow, he's totally against online passes! And he's got your back, handsome listener! Listen to him fight injustice wherever it rears its ugly head!
If you're a fan of sequels, or being majestic, we've got one hell of a proposition for you this week: click the like button to the left of this post, leave us a suggestion for next week's hot-topic and we will deliver the most majestic, sequelingest video game you have ever laid your sweet little eyes upon. We're such great people, we'll even offer up a whole collection of sequel majesty by giving you the Majesty 2 Collection on Steam.
As always, best suggestion wins the game, weirdest name gets a lock of Matt's hair.
Thanks to Mark Dago for letting us use the delicious song Magic Kingdom on the 'cast this week!
BGPE crew on Twitter:
Jacob Saylor, Matthew Stewart, Dennis Patrick, Ian Cheong, Annie Dennisdottir Wright.