A recent exploit in Destiny allowed players who had not purchased the $10 SRL book to acquire the rewards for completing its objectives. The bug/exploit allowed players who had not purchased the record book to simply view the preview of the book from the Eververse kiosk and acquire items there. This lead to a massive outcry from players who had already made the purchase.
Today, Bungie has released a hotfix for the game to address the issue, so you'll have to buy the SRL Record Book, Vol. 1 to acquire its rewards.
In addition to fixing this exploit, the latest hotfix also fixes bugs related to Exotic Leg Engrams not decrypting properly and an exploit with "The Climb", a faction ship for the Future War Cult.
Destiny December 9 Hot Fix Patch Notes:
- Fixed an issue where Exotic Leg Engrams did not decrypt into any items.
- Fixed an issue where copies of "The Climb" FWC Ship was incorrectly providing Reputation.
- This has been temporarily disabled on the Ship Collection kiosk and will be fixed in a future update.
Fixed an issue where the SRL Record Book, Vol. 1 items did not require the player to own the Record Book in order to acquire them.
- Record Book items will not be deleted from players' inventories, but will now require ownership of the SRL Record Book in order to equip the items.
- Any progress already made towards the Record Book will be saved.
- Warning: Record Book gear can only be acquired once. We are working on a future fix to allow players to attain additional instances in case of accidental deletion.
The December update was released a few days ago and includes an all new mode for players to enjoy. Details here.