A brand new trailer for Blood Bowl 2 shows off Dwarfs going head-to-head against a team of Skaven. If you’re a fan Focus Home Interactive’s original Blood Bowl, which is based off the board game by Games Workshop then you won’t want to miss out on this trailer showing off two vastly different teams and their unique skills. If you’re unaware of Blood Bowl, this was originally a board game that mocks American Football and sets the game within the world of Warhammer where teams consist of fictional species such as orcs. Focus Home Interactive has taken Blood Bowl and tried their hand at a video game adaptation back in 2009 with a sequel set to release later this month.
Within this new gameplay trailer, Focus Home Interactive shows off Dwarfs and Skaven. Dwarfs are said to be brutally tough, well-armored and most of all compact. These little guys can seriously issue out a harsh beating. However, if there is one downfall of the Dwarfs it would have to be their agility. Skaven, on the other hand, outshines the competition with their ability to be quick though they are proven to be extremely frail, which means the winner in this match is anyone’s call.
Currently, Blood Bowl 2 is available for pre-order in which if ordered, players will be given a bonus, one of two additional races, that being the Wood Elves or the Lizardmen. Furthermore, if the game is pre-ordered through Steam then players are granted access to the multiplayer Beta which starts this coming week. Players can experience the new story-driven solo campaign, the new multiplayer league mode along with purchasing or selling their own players on the Blood Bowl 2 Marketplace this September 22 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.