Grand Theft Auto 6 is the highly anticipated sequel to the critically-acclaimed Grand Theft Auto V that launched in 2013. The prequel has since been released across three different generations of consoles and has spawned tons of downloadable content for players to take advantage of. In the almost decade since its release, every announcement has been nothing short of exciting with new and returning players investing hours of time into the content. But, that being said, fans are still waiting patiently for any sort of announcement regarding the release of Grand Theft Auto 6.
With so much success resting on the shoulders of Grand Theft Auto V, wouldn’t it make sense for Rockstar Games to announce the next installment in the franchise? Let’s find out whether or not they have below!
Will Grand Theft Auto 6 Be Available Soon?
There have been plenty of rumors as of late about upcoming news and announcements for Grand Theft Auto 6, but the truth is that nothing concrete has been revealed. Of course, it would make sense for Rockstar Games to announce another undoubtedly popular installment but it’s also understandable that they have a lot riding on its popularity. There have been some rumors that speculate a trailer for release this year but a launch date of something closer to the end of 2023 into 2024.
If you can’t wait that long, then it’s a good thing that you can still enjoy Grand Theft Auto V now!