Smilegate revealed the April and May roadmap for Lost Ark today, unveiling added classes and a whole new continent coming to the MMORPG. This game was first launched in Korea in 2019, later going to North America and Europe in February 2022. Lost Ark has captivated fans with its fantasy theme and regular updates. Check out all the new content coming within the next two months below.
The content coming to Lost Ark in April is as follows:
- New Martial Artist Advanced Class – Glaivier: The Glaivier uses an artistic form of martial arts to slice her way through the battlefield, utilizing a spear and a glaive. Her two distinct skills sets include Focus and Flurry, each defined by what weapon she wields. The Glaivier will join the Wardancer, Soulfist, Striker, and Scrapper as the fifth Martial Artist Advanced Class
- New Continent – South Vern: This new continent was once a barren land and is now abundant in water and green pastures. Players will be able to uncover the mysteries of South Vern while encountering new characters and completing quests. This area will be a Tier 3 continent, requiring an item level of 1340 to begin.
Confirmed May content can be found below:
- New Warrior Advanced Class – Destroyer: This Warrior is armed with a variety of skills centered around charging into battle and striking with a hammer. The Destroyer will join the Berserker, Paladin, and Gunlancer as the fourth Warrior Advanced Class.
- Trial Guardian Raids: This is a new weekly activity for players wanting a challenge. Each week, players can attempt to defeat three Trial Guardians. Every Guardian has its own required item level to enter, and each week one Guardian will rotate out, replaced by a different foe.
Speaking on the future developers said, “We’re going to keep the near future focused on horizontal content and giving players clear paths for progression without feeling like they need to pay. We want to give more players time to reach the end-game before introducing Legion Raids (the definitive Lost Ark raiding experience), and ensure players are able to explore Arkesia and progress at their own pace without feeling pressured to race toward end-game content. ” Check out Lost Ark on PC via Steam today!