While it was recently delayed to May, Evil Dead: The Game is still serving us news in the form of a brand-new blog post that gives us a whole smorgasboard of information to digest.
According to the blog post, you’ll be able to play as multiple versions of Ash Williams from across the Evil Dead franchise, including both the Ash from the original trilogy of movies and the much older Ash from Ash VS Evil Dead. You’ll also be fighting alongside characters from that show, with Kelly Maxwell and Pablo Simon Bolivar also there to help you. All three of these are voiced by the same actors as the original show, and in addition to this you’ll be able to fight alongside Lord Arthur and Ash’s sister Cheryl.
As a special note, the original five actors from the first 1981 The Evil Dead movie will return to voice roles, with Ash, Cheryl and Scotty all being playable characters and Shelly/Linda being featured in other scenarios. It’s a love letter to fans of the cult horror series, with the game attempting to capture a b-movie feel while still retaining an extremely high level of quality.
It’s not all heroes and rainbows though. You’ll be able to play as deadites, with special spotlight placed in the blog post on Henrietta, one of three demons you’ll be able to control. It’s up to you to survive as you travel across a large overworld featuring easter eggs galore such as the cabin from the original Evil Dead movies, Ash’s iconic car and his trailer, plus Ash’s mechanical hand that was designed in the show.