CD Projekt Red wants to give back to the gamers, and in line with that, they’re releasing 2 free pieces of DLC weekly for eight weeks for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. We’re about to go on Week 4, and it looks like the next pieces of DLC have been leaked.
Last week, players got the Nilfgaardian Armor Set and Elite Crossbow Set. If this apparent leak on SteamDB turns out to be legit, then we could be looking at the names of the upcoming content.
This week has seen a couple of “someone pressed the button early” moments, and it was unintentional in both instances. Could it be the same for this case?
At the moment, these pieces of DLC are unconfirmed. Fool’s Gold may turn out to be an additional quest, not too different from Week 2’s Contract: Missing Miners. ‘Ballad Heroes’ Neutral Gwent Card Set will likely add new Gwent cards into the game, and being Neutral, can be used with any of the four factions.
The Witcher 3: Wild Huntis already out on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.