The Star Ocean franchise has been around since 1996. However, we haven’t seen new installments released regularly. For a good while, we would see a new game come out every few years. However, we had a bit of a hiatus from 2009 where we didn’t receive a new game until 2016 came around. So again, since 2016, we’ve been waiting on a new entry, and today we finally got the announcement. Coming next year, players can expect to pick up Star Ocean: The Divine Force.
This is a new release, and it was just announced, so there are some scarce details available. We know that this game will center around two particular protagonist heroes. We know that one specific individual will be from an advanced civilization while the other is based on an underdeveloped planet. With that said, it’s noted in the official PlayStation Blog that there are multiple characters that players can take the role of.
Another aspect that might interest fans of the franchise is that players can move around in 360 degrees. So you’ll be able to fly around in the skies, although it looks like we might have quite a few areas to explore this time around. But, for now, we’ll have to wait and see just what environments will pop up in this Star Ocean installment.
While we’re still waiting on some of the finer details to make their way out, we do have a small premise here. The game is set up after a once peaceful federation has become corrupt. Initially, the goal was to create peace across the planets; the federation has now resulted in brute force to those unwilling to abide by the new laws. That’s when one of the first leading protagonists in the game comes into play.
Raymond is a captain of a merchant vessel that was shot down by the federation. We find that Raymond has crashed his ship onto an unfamiliar planet. Fortunately, local wildlife saved our protagonist by the crown princess of the planet’s kingdom, Laeticia.
It looks like these two will end up working together along with others as they chart out to save others from the corrupted federation plans. We’re still waiting on more information to come rolling out, as mentioned. Currently, we know that the game is slated to release in 2022 for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. We don’t know if this is a timed exclusive deal or if we could potentially see this game hit other platforms later on. In the meantime, you can check out the reveal trailer in the video embedded above.