This is a list of cheats for The Sims 4.
Cheats have always been a part of the Sims games, but Maxis tried to put limitations on it on The Sims 3, at least for the console versions. When you enabled cheats, you would get a warning that your Sims would not be able to win challenges and earn trophies or achievements. Considering this game is PC only thus far, there does not seem to be any similar penalties tied in for enabling it.
Of course, these cheats will make the game infinitely easier, possibly even break it. Some of them will give you infinite food, control how much money you have, and more. Unlike a game likeGrand Theft Auto Online, of course, this game wasn’t saddled with monetization, so Maxis is unaffected if you mess with these or not.
Before you try these, you should remember that these cheats can create stability issues, since these were made by fans and not Maxis.
To enable cheats, press CTRL+SHIFT+C, and then type these in:
testingcheats true
AutomationTestingCheats true
This opens a windows where you can type your cheat codes in.
These are the cheats that have been proven to work:
death.toggle [true|false]
fire.toggle [true|false] appears to work. Will not extinguish existing fires.
sims.Spawn – spawns sim and adds them to your household.
sims.spawnsimple spawns sim without adding to household.
stats.disable_all_commodities | stats.enable_all_commodities
sims.remove_all_buffs – Removes all moodlets
sims.get_sim_id_by_name – gets simID, may be good for other commands.
money <amount> – sets money to exact amount.
sims.modify_funds <(-)amount> – adds or subtracts from funds.
sims.hard_reset = forces user to default position.
autonomy.show_queue – prints to console but doesn't seem to show anything useful.
debug.enable_woohoo [true|false]
debug.enable_wedding [true|false]
autonomy.ambient [on|off] / walkby.toggle
autonomy.household [on|off]
objects.consumables_infinite_toggle [true|false] – This makes all consumables have infinite quantities (i.e. cake that never ends.)
cas.fulleditmode [true|false] (already known but in case someone didn't know)
These cheats have not been fully tested. Give them a try to figure out what they do, and / or see if you can fix what’s wrong with them:
fire.kill – might kill the sim or put fire out.
fire.singe_sim – probably adds negative moddlet or kills sim
pregnancy.clear – cancel a pregnancy?
crafting.shorten_phases [on|off] doesn't appear to work.
venues.set_venue Should be able to set a lot to public using this. I'll check into it.
relationship.create not sure of parameters for these.
debug_outcome_style success|fail|alternate|off – might force either conversation responses or job situations to always have a certain outcome.
environment_score.disable/enable – disables environment moodlet effects?
Do you have any other cheats you would like to share with us? Feel free to do so in the comments below.
Source: [1]