There’s been a bit of a movement lately for television and movies. We’re starting to see more video games being adapted to different entertainment mediums and it’s pretty exciting since there definitely seems to be a bit more care to the source material. One of those adaptations that have fans eager to sit in on is The Last of Us which is being adapted into a series for HBO. While we are waiting for more information to come out in regards to what we can expect for the television series, there is one additional cast member we can see step into the cinematic universe.
Actress Nico Parker is taking the role of Sarah, the daughter of leading protagonist Joel. We don’t get to see much from Sara in the video game and we’re sure that there will be some changes to give players a bit more time with the character before there’s any kind of a time jump. Perhaps we’ll even get some flashbacks to Sarah since this is a pretty crucial character that shapes and forms Joel as he goes through the apocalypse.
Regardless, we at least can put a face to the character. Nico Parker is joining the stacked cast already for the series which includes Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, and Gabriel Luna. Although, we’re sure that there are plenty of fans out there that are eager to see more actors and actresses pop up for the adaptation, only time will tell just who is joining into the mix.
This also comes with the fact that there’s plenty of anticipation to see the characters wearing their iconic costumes from the video game. For now, there’s plenty of speculation and guesses as to how the HBO series will take shape compared to the video game narrative. You could argue that there are plenty of different areas that we could see expanded for more depth not only to the storyline but visually a better look into the world aesthetics of The Last of Us. But again, it’s purely a waiting game for fans right now.
Source: Deadline