A lot of you reading this probably know that The Last of Us 2 is a game that many of us want and are hoping Naughty Dog releases in the not-too-distant future. To that end, we’ve set up a video detailing all that we know about the potential game, as of right now.
Many fans want the game, while others—pleased with the ending for being what it is—probably don’t want a sequel to what they see as a near-perfect game. After all, would you ask for a sequel to the Matrix? No! And yet, the thought of having a sequel to a game we love is tantalizing, especially given the interesting setting and the characters who populate it.
Our video, hosted by the eminently likable Jake Baldino, host of our YouTube channel, goes into no small amount of detail about what we know of the would-be sequel and speculates on whether or not it’ll get made by Naughty Dog.
We’d like to ask you, the players and fans of the game, what you think about The Last of Us 2. So feel free to leave your comments under the video.