Double Fine Productions, the makers of games such as Psychonauts and Broken Age, have opted to publish the physics-based local multiplayer fighting game Gang Beasts as a part of its “Presents” initiative, which sees the company publishing indie games for a wider audience.
Developed by Boneloaf, the game sees up to four players in local co-op beating the crap out of each others’ avatars and attempting to push them off of high platforms and nudge them to certain death.
Scenarios include fighting on top of a pair of moving trucks while dodging passing signs, a meat grinding factory, and atop a giant ferris wheel.
A trailer for the local co-op game, which has since been Greenlighted on Steam can be seen below.
My personal take: It’s a real bummer that Gang Beasts doesn’t have any online multiplayer support as of this time. The local co-op party game revolution is fine and dandy, but for those of us who’d like to play the game online with friends across the world, the omission of an online multiplayer mode is pretty disappointing.