The popular animated series Legend of Korra is to be made into a game by Bayonetta and Scalebound developer Platinum Games.
A third person title, the game will be published by Activision and is destined for PC and both last and current-gen consoles with the exception of Wii U, IGN reports. Webfoot is also developing a Legend of Korra game for 2DS and 3DS.
While Activision hasn't had the best track record with licensed properties of late, Platinum Games is well known for its polished, albeit over the top, action titles and may well be able to pull it off. Webfoot's game will "focus on tactically maneuvering Korra and her allies on the battlefield."
Korra writer Tim Hendrick is penning the game's script and the title is set between seasons two and three. You can check out the announcement trailer below.