There is a ton of anticipation for 2021. 2020 was filled with quite a bit of low moments especially thanks to the coronavirus health pandemic outbreak. With projects getting delayed or events canceled, everyone is hopeful that 2021 turns things around for the better. Likewise, because 2020 was filled with so many delays, there are a ton of anticipated video game launches that are now slated for the 2021 calendar year.
One of the companies that are hoping to make a big splash not only in 2021 but going forward with this latest generation of gaming is Microsoft. With the Xbox Series X/S available in the marketplace, all that’s needed now is a steady line of video game titles to enjoy. Furthermore, Microsoft recently increased their first-party studio lineup after they struck a deal with Zenimax Media. This deal is set to come with a variety of video game development studios, one of which trumps the others.
Included in the deal is Bethesda, a studio that is known for quite a few video game titles, but the biggest being the Fallout and The Elder Scrolls franchises. These two iconic series have been around for years now and now the company has been absorbed by Microsoft. That deal is set to be finalized this year, but it’s uncertain just when the deal will officially close. Fortunately, those that were uncertain if the series would end up being removed from other platforms going forward can reset easily. In the past, it was clear that Microsoft doesn’t intend to remove these games from competitor platforms.
However, that doesn’t mean Bethesda is not something that Microsoft has big plans for. Recently the head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, spoke with Larry Hryb’s Xbox Podcast where the duo discussed Bethesda. Phil Spencer made note that there are no conversations right now with Bethesda as the deal needs to be finalized first, but he did mention that Bethesda’s development teams will be critical for the company’s future. He went on to express his excitement over the upcoming video games already announced from Bethesda along with titles yet to be unveiled.
Source: Twinfinite, Xbox Podcast