Known for his work with the Street Fighter franchise, Yoshinori Ono has announced on his Twitter account that he is leaving Capcom. This comes interestingly enough shortly after an insider stated that Ono was at one time in charge of the next Street Fighter mainline installment before testing internally proved the game wasn’t up to expectations. While it’s uncertain just how legitimate these statements are from the insider, the fact that Ono has announced his departure may give them a bit more credibility.
As mentioned, Yoshinori Ono is known for the Street Fighter franchise, but his time at Capcom lasted 30 years. This developer has managed to go hands-on with several iconic franchises at Capcom during his time with the company. Now it looks like the developer will continue to love these franchises but purely as a fan for now. In his statement released online, Ono confirmed that he is leaving the company this summer and would resign his position of being the brand manager for the various titles from Capcom including Street Fighter.
It seems that it’s time for the next-generation of video game developers to continue the series on and Ono believes that they will bring in some extraordinary work. Being that this is during the Covid season, we’re not sure just what the future holds for Ono. There are likely quite a few studios that wouldn’t mind adding him into the mix. But again, during these Covid times, we’re unsure of the developer’s plans.
In the meantime, fans and colleagues have taken to his Twitter account and reflected on their favorite times spent together to the different video game titles that he had worked on. For now, in terms of Street Fighter news, Street Fighter 5 recently had a season pass and rumors have circulated that a new installment is in the works after some initial setbacks.