Metal Gear Solid 5 publisher Konami has sent over some details about the upcoming Ground Zeroes title in regards to how it links to The Phantom Pain.
According to the publisher, owners of MGS5: Ground Zeroes will be able to unlock additional resources in your Mother Base to provide a slight edge in The Phantom Pain, once the latter title releases. If you buy Ground Zeroes at any point, you'll get extra "prisoners of war and VIPs."
The offer applies to first-run retail copies of Ground Zeroes and digital purchases for a limited time.
In addition to this detail, Konami has announced that it is lowering the retail price of MGS: Ground Zeroes (PS4 and Xbox One) from $39.99 to $29.99, the same as it costs digitally. Presumably, they've done so in response to criticism about the game's supposedly short length and weird pricing structure. The price of the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions remains the same at $19.99.