The upcoming generation of video game platforms will certainly have plenty of content for players to enjoy. Sony is known for delivering quite a few exclusives and while Microsoft may try to change that around with the Xbox Series X, we’re still left in the dark on what’s coming out. With that said, there is a new studio that was created under Microsoft called The Initiative that is working on a next-generation video game release. We know nothing about it and it’s a guessing game on when this game will finally get unveiled.
Of course, that doesn’t mean we will get some details unofficially about it. Christopher NG was a technical designer for The Initiative but had since left the studio to work at Wevr. At any rate, it looks like his time at the studio was highlighted on his LinkedIn page which features what the game will include. This was reported by Klobrille on Twitter which states that The Initiative’s upcoming video game will feature weapons, gadgets, and a camera surveillance system.
We don’t know just what this game will be about but there are a few individuals online that are hopeful this game will be a remake or a re-imagining of Perfect Dark. It’s tough to say just when this game will be unveiled officially, but the next media event online from Microsoft is said to feature the upcoming video games being released. Perhaps this will include the long-awaited reveal from The Initiative.
What you may find to be a relief is that Microsoft has confirmed there won’t be any exclusives on the Xbox Series X for the next couple of years. As a result, this game being developed by The Initiative could see a launch on the Xbox One along with the Xbox Series X. At any rate, for now, we will simply have to wait and see just what Microsoft will be unveiling next.