Media Molecule’s long-awaited title is finally here and after years of waiting to get our hands on the game, many of us wonder was the wait worth it?
Well, according to reviews on Metacritic, it seems that Dreams is a major success. Media Molecule is known for creating super immersive games that give players the tools to allow their wildest imaginations run wild and with Dreams that couldn’t be more true.
Early reviews for the game are calling the title an once in a generation title, filled with breathtaking moments and endless possibilities. If you’re the creative type, Dreams will be up your lane, but it seems the game appeals to more than just creative types.
Down below are some of the most respectable gaming sites in the industry, check out the highlights for their reviews on Media Molecule’s epic creative title— Dreams:
It’s really hard to find anything negative about Dreams. It’s a powerful and remarkable set of creation tools moonlighting as a video game. If creating isn’t your thing, the Dreamiverse offers an endless feed of other dreamer’s playable content and the super-fun campaign. Dreams is the bees knees and should not be missed.
Push Square 100
It may have taken the better part of a decade to make, but the arrival of Dreams feels significant. It represents a whole new way for people to make things and share them with the world. Media Molecule has made a suite of tools that feels intuitive to use, but more than that, it’s built a social platform where players can collaborate and explore the imaginations of others. It’s a technical marvel, a creative miracle, and one of the most innovative games in years.
Playstation Official Magazine UK [Early Access Review score = 100]
A once-in-a-generation release that changes absolutely everything, and resets what a ‘game’ can be. Dreams is essential and should be on every PS4. Especially yours.
Screen Rant 90
Dreams is that rare video game product that could help shape where the medium goes next.
IGN 90
It’s a cliche, but Dreams really is something that needs to be played to fully grasp an understanding of. It’s unlike anything else: an ambitious project that has been expertly brought to life by Media Molecule, and an audacious experiment in game design that gives you endless ways to enjoy your time with it.
Game Informer [Early Access review score = 95]
We may have longer to wait for the official release and Media Molecule’s single-player story levels, but Dreams is already a magnificent wellspring for those who love playing, creating, and thinking about games in all their many forms.
You can make anything in Dreams, but everyone has to start somewhere. One of the best ways to shake out those creation-cobwebs is to recreate the things you love, and there are tons of recreations built by the passionate Dreams community.
Whether it’s a rebuilt dock from Metal Gear Solid, levels inspired by Halo, or an incredible Fallout 4 experience, Dreams is full of tributes to the greatest games of yesteryear. Make sure to check out just a handful of the most mind-boggling recreations released so far, click here!
Dreams is now available for the PS4. Did you pick it up yet? Let us know in the comments below!