There's no two ways about it: Call of Duty: Ghosts' Field of View (FOV) settings are messed up—they're locked to 65. To that end, a guy going by the name of "AgentRev" has cobbled together an FOV changer tool for the game. Anyone who wants to play the game with a decent and proper FOV should grab it right away.
The latest release of the tool allows an FOV up to 100 in both single- and multiplayer modes of the game. Download it here.
While mods like the FOV changer exist in a somewhat grey area and may carry the risk of being banned by Valve's Anti Cheat system on Steam, developers Infinity Ward have confirmed (via Twitter) that they will not be banning players who use the mod.
@Sir_McLightning @VenuM83 @CoDsPulp certainly! I've found out we aren't banning for anyone using the FOV changer. dk about FPS unlock yet
— Candice Capen (@candyslexia) November 11, 2013
A newly released patch also reduces the game's 6GB memory requirement on the PC to a much more sane 4GB.