Guinness World Record has awarded PlayStation with a world record award for being the best-selling console brand from December 1994 to November 2019.
At the award ceremony was Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan and former CEO Ken Kutaragi to accept the stellar achievement. As I mentioned above, PlayStation has received the award for selling the most home consoles from December 1994 to November 2019 totalling 450,190,000 units. This is a crazy achievement and is warranted for a world record award!
Check out an image from the Guinness World Record ceremony down below:

In a speech at the event (via IGN), Kutaragi said:
“Back when we were developing the original PlayStation, we had the ambition to sell 1 million units. I look back on that now with nostalgia. We launched the PlayStation platform with the aim of changing the face of entertainment. Receiving this award today, I feel the support of the players who have enjoyed our consoles over the years, and as the father of the PlayStation, I can see it has a bright future.”
Ryan said in Japanese:
“As a British person, I’m so proud for PlayStation to be recognised by Guinness, which is itself a British company. PlayStation has an exciting future ahead, and we’ll continue to do our best!”
In related news, PlayStation recently announced the new head of its Worldwide Studios — Herman Hulst. Known for his work on Horizon: Zero Dawn, and some involvement with Death Stranding, Sony decided that Hulst will be the best candidate for the position.
Discussing the position with CEO and President of PlayStation, Jim Ryan, he sates that Hermen is one of the most effective and well-respected leaders in the video game industry with a ton of passion for the industry. Check out the full announcement for Herman Hulst joining the head of Worldwide Studios right here!
With a PlayStation 5 set to release in 2020, the company is filled with a ton of energy to outdo themselves from the previous generation which was a major success. Are you excited for the next generation for PlayStation? Let us know in know in the comments below!