The Resident Evil franchise has been around for decades and while it has had its ups and downs, the Capcom studio had decided to go back towards their roots with the franchise. Over the years Resident Evil had changed in several ways. Not only visually and mechanically but the overall gameplay has had some adjustments. Some would argue that the newer installments lost touch with the original franchise views but for those that longed the original Resident Evil charm and flair, shouldn’t be too upset. Recently, Capcom brought out a Resident Evil 2 remake which featured the original tone and survival-horror elements that the game had when it launched in 1998.
Since the Resident Evil 2 remake was a massive success it left fans urging Capcom to continue remaking the past video game installments for current-generation platforms. This, of course, has to lead to plenty seeking out the remake of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, but the voice actress who portrayed Claire in Resident Evil 2 wouldn’t be against returning to the studio for Resident Evil: Code Veronica. This comes from a recent stream of voice actress Stephanie Panisello, who answered questions from fans as she played through Resident Evil 2 remake.
During the conversation, Stephanie admitted that she would love to return as Claire for Code Veronica if Capcom were to ask. Now at the moment, there is no confirmation of any additional remakes from Capcom, but they are currently working on a new Resident Evil spin-off title known as Project Resistance. Perhaps we’ll see the voice actress return to Claire in due time when the studio manages to make its way to Code Veronica if they keep up with the remake trend. After all, Code Veronica was a highly beloved entry to the franchise so it wouldn’t be too surprising if Capcom opted to remake that particular installment.