Square Enix has announced today that they will be bringing their highly anticipated title — Marvel’s Avengers to San Diego Comic-Con 2019 and will be showing off official gameplay for the title.
This is super exciting as fans all around the world were waiting to see official gameplay, but back at E3 2019 we only saw cinematic’s of the Avengers in action with little gameplay snippets sprinkled in. However, Square Enix also announced that the panel for Marvel’s Avengers will not be live streamed, so unless you’re in the crowd, you won’t be seeing the gameplay reveal live.
I wouldn’t worry too much as someone will have gameplay for the highly anticipated title posted on YouTube shortly after the panel or Square Enix will upload the official reveal gameplay on YouTube themselves.
Check out a snippet of the press releasing discussing the Marvels Avengers project down below:
SQUARE ENIX® announced today an action-packed lineup of activities planned at San Diego Comic-Con from July 18-21, including the first gameplay reveal for fans attending the Marvel’s Avengers presentation at the Marvel Games Panel.
Details of all panels, exclusives and more are listed below:
Marvel’s Avengers Panel (Thursday, July 18, 1:30 pm in Hall H): Join Shaun Escayg, Creative Director at Crystal Dynamics, and the performance cast of Marvel’s Avengers for a special presentation that will include new information and the first public gameplay reveal for Hall H attendees only.
In related news, back at E3 2019 Square Enix showcased some never before seen footage of the title, however we never saw any in-game gameplay. Thats all going to change next week at SDCC 2019, but if you want to stay hyped for the game, make sure to check out the reveal trailer for Marvel’s Avengers from E3 2019 right here!
San Diego Comic Con starts July 18th. Are you excited for the upcoming Comic-Con? Let us know in the comments below!