Some fans of the Battlefield series of games have created a dogtag, which could foreseeably be a part of Battlefield 4, poking fun at Call of Duty: Ghosts' so-called "fish AI."
When Call of Duty: Ghosts was first announced in a reveal trailer, its developers at Infinity Ward boasted that the game had "fish AI" which swam out of the player's way upon contact with the player while underwater. The developers later claimed that this was a joke that, for some reason or another, made it into the game's reveal. Either way, its existence as a talking point of Call of Duty: Ghosts made the game something of a laughingstock in comparison to Battlefield 4's realistic physics and large-scale destruction elements.
Needless to say, fans of Battlefield 4 thought it might be hilarious to poke fun at Call of Duty with a dog tag, as dog tags in the existing Battlefield 3 contain pop culture references and other miscellaneous bits of cultural detritus.