Project Awakened, which promised players the ultimate super hero simulator, was unable to meet its Kickstarter goal. But that didn't stop the game's maker, Phosphor Games, from giving crowdfunding another shot, on their own terms, via PayPal and credit card donations.
But, as it turns outs, all that money may not be necessary. And as such, everyone's getting a refund. The following message just went up on the official website:
"Phosphor Games would like to thank you for your continued support of Project Awakened, but at this time we need to put our funding endeavor on hold effective immediately. Everyone who pledged money will be receiving a full refund. Rest assured, our goal is to one day complete this game that we are all very passionate about. There have been some alternative funding options that have recently been presented to us, so please continue to keep an eye out on our Facebook page for future updates. We truly appreciate all your continued support and promise to keep everyone up to date on the future of Project Awakened, as well as other exciting new projects we are working on!"
Obviously, "alternative funding options" could mean many anything, thought the popular theory going at the moment is that it may have been snagged by a major publisher, who will then help bring it to one of the upcoming consoles, either the PS4 or Xbox 720. Perhaps either Microsoft or Sony themselves, who will thusly have yet another console exclusive in their portfolio?