Square Enix has announced that the upcoming Tomb Raider reboot will be the company's first game to be localised in Arabic. It's a really positive step and a welcome nod to Lara's many Arabic-speaking fans, and hopefully means future games to come from Square Enix will have Arabic localisation too.
The announcement includes a little bio on the voice actor chosen to fill Lara's shoes: Nadine Njeim. Unfortunately, the first thing we're told is that she was Miss Lebanon 2007, an impressive achievement but hardly relevant to her ability to convincingly read lines. Her acting career consists mostly of TV dramas, like Jude and Bila Zakira (not films, like the blog post says), and she's currently presenting The Voice: Ahla Sawt. She also has a degree in international business and international politics from the Lebanese American University, and according to Wikipedia has been a paramedic with the red cross for two years.
From Twitter, it looks like Nadine is excited about her role, and so are her fans, some of whom she's retweeted:
@nadinewnjeim welcome onboard of gaming .. looking forward to see your performance as Lara Croft
— Mish3l 😉 (@_Theyab) January 23, 2013