Yesterday, Sony partnered up with Chevrolet to release the Corvette '14 Stingray on Gran Turismo 5 as a free DLC. Could another content drop be in the works for Polyphony's racing franchise?
At the 2013 Detroit Auto Show, Sony showed a new trailer for Gran Turismo 5 highlighting the Acura NSX Concept. While Sony and Polyphony didn't exactly announce this as a new DLC, it is kind of odd if they went to all this trouble in creating a new trailer for it (along with new locales!) and didn't release it for the actual game, right?
Go watch the Honda Acura NSX Concept trailer now.
I know that was graphics and all, but the new Acura is one sexy beast! So, is this something we should expect in the future for Gran Turismo 5, just a trailer, or will it be a for a new game in the franchise? If I were to guess, I'd say it will be a free content drop in the future. I mean, seeing as we're so close to the PS4, I doubt Sony would release a new GT game this late in the PS3's life cycle. And as I said before, they already went to all this effort, why not have it as a new DLC.
Enjoy the '14 Corvette Stingray free DLC, Gran Turismo fans. It might be joined soon by the Acura.
Thanks, NeoGAF