Street Fighter X Mega Man is rather remarkable for various reasons. Fan produced Mega Man games are somewhat dime a dozen, but for one to be officially endorsed by the company whose IPs are being borrowed is rather unprecedented. Especially when one considers how one of the two properties that was utilized has been neglected for quite some time now.
The Mega Man Network recently had a chant with Capcom's Senior Community Manager, Brett “Brelston” Elston, about the release. And it's chock full of nuggets of info.
First is how Capcom did indeed contribute to the game, and didn't just put their seal of approval on an already finished product:
"It’s true that Zong Hui began work on this game years ago as a passion project. But due to schoolwork and other obligations, it took years to even get a few bosses done, so when he approached Christian at EVO this year, our partnership made timely completion of the project possible. Zong Hui and his small team collaborated with us at Capcom USA, making this a true merging of fan game and official title. It’s not the first time the Mega Man series has gone outside Capcom as well; Inti Creates largely handled MM9 and 10, as well as the entire Zero/ZX series. This is just another partnership with a team – just so happens they’re “civilians,” haha."
Next an update to the game is on the way:
"Given the tight dev window, we know there are a few rough edges left, even with a dozen people looking at this. To that end, we can say we’re working on a V2 that will release soon and hopefully address some of those known issues. It’s not adding content, but we’ve been reading responses and can “tighten up” a few things before the end of the year."
As for why it's PC only:
"PC is the easiest way to deliver a free game. Open platforms are made for this. Bringing it elsewhere requires all sorts of approvals, submissions and so on, which affect price and timing. Furthermore, once it’s out for free, how many would buy the same game on a console when it’s identical? Could we add more stuff and charge for a different take on SFxMM? Possibly, but there are no plans at this time."
Elston even goes on to explain if the game is canon to the rest of the series, and even why Mega Man breaks the First Law of Robotics, as established by Isaac Asimov, which states "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm" (whereas the game has Mega Man beating the crap out of Ryu, Chun-Li, and more).