A user on reddit, the popular social news site, named "rkalajian" managed to acquire for himself a (not-so-important) piece of gaming history when he dropped in to a thrift store and picked up what he thought was very cheaply priced second-hand copy of Fallout 3.
In addition to getting a killer deal on a damn good game, his curiosity was piqued when he noticed a signature on the cover of the box. Turning to reddit, he asked whether anyone knew to whom the signature belonged, and some users—having memories sharper than others—recalled that they'd seen it on the Ellen DeGeneres show with guest Matthew Perry.
Matthew Perry presented Ellen with a copy of Fallout 3 on her show a few years ago, along with an Xbox 360 system. While on the show, he talked about how he'd played the game so often that he'd injured his hand. He's signed the copy of the game he presented to Ellen, which you can see below.
The episode was later brought to the attention of Bethesda and Obsidian Entertainment, which lead to his casting in New Vegas as the character Benny.
Somehow or another, the very same copy he gave to Ellen eventually made its way to the thrift store where "rkalajian" eventually picked it up.
I guess Ellen didn't like the game as much as Perry did, or she would've kept it.
Source: reddit.