This launch trailer for Far Cry 3, or “Far Cry 3 Revealed”, provides a ten-minute summary of all the major features of the game. You can even use the video index to select only the sections you're interested in, maybe bypassing the stuff on locations to go straight to the weapons. But if you watch the whole thing, you'll get a pretty good idea of what the game is like, from the characters you'll meet to the ways in which you'll be spending your time when not actually undertaking missions for the main quest.
Watch the whole video, and you'll get to hear Jason say, “I've never shot anyone before,” before proclaiming his love for a flamethrower. You'll get to see the effects that can be had with a bow and flaming arrows, or a rocket launcher, and the ways in which those weapons and others can be upgraded. You'll get to witness a “death from above” (a stealth assassination), and a “grenade takedown” (pulling the pin on a grenade in your target's belt and dropping him from a height to blow himself up). You'll get to see Galapagos turtles, Komodo dragons, and sharks, and hear a local lady say, “fuck-y fuck-y, suck-y suck-y.”
Far Cry 3 comes out tomorrow in the UK, and next week in North America. Will you be getting a copy?