Today Bethesda has released the latest patch notes for their sci-fi shooter, Prey.

The patch update 1.03 will be hitting PS4 consoles today and it will come with a slew of fixes including further prevention of corrupted saves, fixes incorrectly deleted items from inventory, and much more.

Check out the full patch notes down below:


Patch Notes for Update 1.03

  • Further fixes to prevent Save games from becoming corrupted. Fix also returns corrupted Save games to uncorrupted state.
  • Items should no longer be incorrectly deleted from inventory or world when changing levels.
  • Fix for stamina not recovering.
  • Fix for being unable to repair items.
  • Player should no longer spawn out of level.
  • Fabricated weapons are now empty.
  • Fix for humans incorrectly turning hostile.  Hostile humans in lobby will be returned to friendly.
  • End game credits now always skippable.
  • Aaron Ingram no longer cowers if spooked by a Typhon.
  • Fix for various problems making changes in the settings.
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In related news, Prey has received its accolades trailer. An accolades trailer is essentially a trailer that praises the game from critics by using quick quotes from their reviews. Prey is an excellent sci-fi thriller and it deserves your attention. If you want to check out the accolades trailer, click here.

Prey is available now for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.