The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame Announced for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC; Set to Release Early 2019
Emmet, Lucy, and Batman will all return!
Emmet, Lucy, and Batman will all return!
Are you excited for the Devil May Cry anime series?
This is huge news for the gaming company
What is your favorite PS4 title?
When did you first pick up your PS4?
PUBG has made its way to the PS4, finally!
Now we wait for the Netflix arrival!
Are you ready for some football?
Who's pre-ordering this bad bay the minute it goes live?
Are you all caught up on Netflix's Castlevania?
Meet Triss Merigold!
Are you excited to see the return of Medievil?
Will you be returning to Layers of Fear 2?
Will you be participating in the Fallout 76 beta?
Are you going to pick up any of these titles?
Could you afford this limited edition set?
Are you going to be participating in the beta?
You're gonna have to snap away half of your system storage in order to play this game!
Will you be picking up this special bundle?
Who's picking this set up day one?
How do you like the cast of Netflix's Witcher series?