Rockstar Games Releases New ‘GTA 5’ Artwork as Downloadable Wallpapers
Rockstar has released the previously seen artwork of GTA V as downloadable wallpapers.
Rockstar has released the previously seen artwork of GTA V as downloadable wallpapers.
The world of Guild Wars 2 returns to normal with the removal of Wintersday content.
Players have been permanently banned for exploiting a glitch in Guild Wars 2 that enabled them to create vast amounts of wealth.
Black Ops 2 is suffering from spawn issues and this video proves it.
Crytek's Michael Elliot speaks out on the Crysis brand's life and how Crysis 4 can even be in a different genre!
Irrational Games is bundling BioShock 1 and 2 along with both games' DLCs in BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition.
So, just how big have consoles, tablets, smartphones have become? Read on to find out...
This 'what if' scenario presents Samara as a member of the Qunari race.
DmC's entry point is very low according to its game director. Is this a good or bad thing?
The female Commander Shepard is expertly portrayed by Crystal Graziano in this week's episode of Project Cosplay.
EA has been ranked as the top physical games publisher in the UK for 2012. Read on for the full lits.
007 is getting yanked by Activision both on Steam and even on its own web store.
Don't expect any updates from Age of Empires Online in the future. Read on to find out why.
Luckily, this PSN game doesn't seem to take itself too seriously
The cheap Android console is due to launch in April this year
Catch a glimpse of life in post-apocalyptic Moscow after the bombs dropped.
30 million copies downloaded throughout the Christmas week
Seb Wuepper tunes his ear to the year of 2012 in videogame music.
Square Enix sheds some light on their plans with Luminous Studio, the next-gen Final Fantasy engine.
A console that blocked secondhand games would hurt retailers that rely on used sales
The game will continue to be supported, but there will be no new civilisations added
A compilation of the ten most wanted strategy games in 2013 for the PC and consoles.
Polygon has just published details concerning the home video release of Disney's Wreck-It Ralph.
Nintendo still has much to learn about online account management, it would seem.