Brink Review Round-Up: Love and Hate for Splash Damage’s New Shooter
Brink is out, but not everyone likes it. Some would say that Brink rhymes with stink, but we'd call them childish. Take a look at what the critics are saying.
Brink is out, but not everyone likes it. Some would say that Brink rhymes with stink, but we'd call them childish. Take a look at what the critics are saying.
Hitman 5 has been announced at long last. The game returns players into the skin of Agent 47, who resumes his role as the world's deadliest killer-for-hire.
Ever wonder what Portal turrets would look like in real life? Well, wonder no more, because someone's spent time creating one that'll be sure to keep your house safe, if only it worked.
In a newly released developer diary, the developer explains what a 3D overhaul will do for the game and more.
Beta test for Diablo 3 will begin in the third quarter this year, the game will possibly hit the store shelves before 2012.
A devoted fan of Assassin's Creed created a Hidden Blade, designed after the weapon Altaïr uses in the game.
Newell said that the studio had no plans to stop developing single player titles, but that it was planning to add new social elements into their future games.
Alan Wake 2 may be in development at Remedy based on a LinkedIn entry that referred to development of the title.
Upcoming issue of OXM to reveal new Mass Effect 3 improvements related to Shepard's Mobility, Weapons, Armor and more.
Sony has targeted the relaunch of its PSN and Qriocity services for May 31, which have been offline for the past two and a half weeks.
Famous Japanese video game designers and their creations, by Ta2nb.
The NEA program will now consider videogames worthy of receiving federal funding. Artists in the United States can submit applications to the agency for works that will enhance the public good.
Bathesda reveal some interesting statistics on their upcoming game, Brink, due May 10 on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
id Software's RAGE will come packed with full fledged modding and level design tools for the PC version of the game.
Burnout Crash is said to feature cartoon violence, a drastic change from the more realistic look and feel of the previous titles.
The PC port for Deus Ex: Human Revolution will boast superior graphics compared to its console counterparts.
Ubisoft shows us an in-depth look into the art direction of
There are many reasons to look forward to RAGE, but ten reasons sum up the game's ability to bulldoze its competition in the FPS genre.
Ubisoft has announced Assassin's Creed Revelations, the fourth installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise.
A fan of Half-Life going by the name of Fathom216 created this montage out of scenes from the Half Life series of games set to The National.
Rockstar Games detail Social Club Features for L.A. Noire, unlockable Chicago Lightning Detective Suit and more revealed.
Nintendo has slashed prices for its Nintendo Wii console ahead of the announcement for their new next-generation console.